Wednesday, February 9, 2011

An introduction of the ones who give me a reason to blog

My name is Andrea and I have four wonderful reasons to start blogging.  Each day my life is filled with the unknown.  Sometimes good and sometimes not so good.  My oldest son is Jakob.  He is 8 and profoundly deaf. He is obessesed with Legos and Pirates (you will see in time why I mention this).  Next is Trent who is 5.  Most of you have heard many of my humiliating Trent stories but let me tell you there are more to come.  Last are my twins Kristopher and Marley who are almost 3. Words cannot describe what they can put me through in a day and honestly I think they enjoy every minute of it! I love my children and someday I know I will look back and find all of this hilarious but in the mean time welcome to my world.......


  1. Yay, Yay - this is going to be great! Ha ha. Make sure to write out the stories you've shared in the past on facebook too, for posterity you know, because they're such classics!

  2. You have my mind going a mile a minute now lol. How hard it is to choose what ones to post.
